Sunday, January 29, 2012

Laying Down the Bass

I spent most of the day sifting through more of the OilCan Drive music parts. It's not like it's that tough a job but it takes a lot of time and, usually, before I know it, it's dark outside and I wonder where the day went.

Making music is funny like that. It always goes by so quick and I come away feeling like I never got much done.

One part I did decide to redo were the bass parts on one particular song. The tone didn't seem right and a lot of the notes sounded like they were buzzing in the original part. So I messed around with a few knobs, got a sound I liked a bit more, and played the parts over. I think they turned out a bit better and I was happier with them overall.

The parts I played are in the image above.

That's another weird thing about music. Being a visual artist I am used to being able to physically see something for a days worth of work. With music all I get is a bunch of pretty colors that don't make sense to the average person. Sometimes it makes me feel like I didn't do much of anything with my day at all.

But, it's getting there.

And, since the image above might not do it justice, here is a little preview of the stuff I played today on the bass. It's rough but I think you'll get the idea.

Have a great day!

If the above player doesn't work you can go the the direct link HERE.

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