Friday, July 3, 2015

OilCan Drive Track 3!

The newest chapter of OilCan Drive begins today over on the OilCan Drive website!

After showing off the 24 Hour Comic I did last fall for the past few months I am finally launching the third chapter in the OilCan Drive adventure. The gang finally makes their way into the big bad wasteland of the Zone. But, what will they find out there and how will they track down Lily and the rest of Brick's Wild Wonders of the Waste? I, for one, am definitely looking forward to seeing what happens. It really feels great to get back to my favorite little cartoon band after being away from them for far too long!

I did a few different variations of the cover for the third book. Originally I kept with the warm color scheme I had used on the first two books but, because the looks on all the characters' faces reminded me of some old Scooby-Doo type horror movie, I decided to try a more cool toned approach to the cover. It came off feeling a bit TOO cool. So, finally, I tried a mix of both covers, using the warm colors on the characters and the cool colors on the background and I that is the one I ended up going with. I think it works.

But, enjoy the variations on the tones and moods of all three untitled and uncropped covers.

Now, I just need to write and draw the rest of the book. Ah well, I have a whole seven days until next Friday to figure out what happens next. Tons of time!

Here we go, finally, into the Zone! It's going to be one hell of a ride!

I hope you all come along!

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